In a previous post I wrote that this week is the last week of school for Term 1. On Thursday we had Sports Day. From talking to other volunteers their schools are doing other type of events. Such as Culture Day, English Day, and Book Day. Most schools do all of the events throughout the year it just depends on the principal and teachers what day they want to do first. As for my school we decided on Sports Day. I arrived at school Thursday morning to find the students their bright and early and ready to go. There were two teams, the red team and the white team. Each with players from grades 1-8. There were many events. There was: the flag race, coconut gathering, eating contest, ball throw, ball roll, and tug of war. The day was a huge success. Both teachers and students had a lot of fun. Some of the parents and older sibilings came to help out and watch all the races. It was a pretty good day.
The Red Team
The White Team
The Flag Race
Coconut Gathering Competition
Food Eating Contest
Ball Rolling Contest
Barefoot and playing
Tug A War Contest